Saturday, October 11, 2014
morocco: in retrospect by essaouira
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
a stranger: eid in marrakesh
Saturday, October 4, 2014
tight connections
marrakesh impression
Thursday, August 28, 2014
batam, i dont know where to start
this time its on the island of batam.
indonesian families in the dozens all strewn across the shallow beach,
naked toddlers running here and fro,
the serious and stern looks of middle-aged indonesian men all pointed directly at us.
we resume our walking and find ourselves at the edge of the cove in a park where groups of 10-20 indonesians deep were cooking goodness, dancing, and having a great time.
we made our way along the resort grounds and they sure did cut themselves a nice slice of beach. it was nice even with the patchy clouds looming around.
the moral of the story?
getting food poisoning sucks.
getting food poisoning a 2nd time in less than 2 months sucks even more.
but seriously, even in the midst of difficult and challenging circumstances, your company will always be the breaking or selling point. it truly reveals someone's character and i was so blessed to have spent it my gorgeous angel.
the last time i was in indonesia i felt like i was going to die. this time i had Amerie with me :)
my singaporean ray of light.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
yardhouse love
its been almost a year since i barbacked at the yardhouse.
it was a short lived 7 month stint. i met some amazing people...really really bad ones as well. a few foot injuries, numerous pints of brew and delicious plates later, i write and retrospect.
with no doubt, i know that the restaurant business is not for me. it is the succubus of jobs. but do i regret working at YH? not one bit
i remember the day i decided to apply.
i'd looked up all the restaurants on colorado blvd. and began my assault on lake and extended it to fair oaks.
well, it happened be tuesday around 1ish so i waited. 3 interviews and no experience later, they asked if i wanted to barback.
this is my way of thanking YH. they gave me a chance when everyone else showed me the exit. barbackin' aint easy but i'm glad and thankful that i did it at YH. its a tight ship and they accept nothing but the best from their employees.
Grant, William, and Karl: thanks for giving me a shot and not taking it easy on me.
Wilson and Fabian, couldn't have survived without your help.
originally posted on jonjvazj.blogspot.com
fool me once...
layed out.
hopped on a questionable moped and cruised inland to the countryside for some rice paddy and ancient temple action.
and of course, i did alot of the eating. lots
minimal movement
i don't know. but i guess its take a second look at your food. especially when you're in indonesia.
Monday, July 7, 2014
rio de janeiro: dia 1
The flight landed 20 minutes early. half hour later, i cleared customs and immigration. countless stantions were strewn across the airport but no bodies to fill them with. Something tells me that this is not the norm. I make my way through the corridor of welcome, the point where people hold signs with names, the place where the people hug and kiss. Taxi drivers are hawks and quickly spot me. I quicken my pace and walk outside. A blue bus called the real bus is what I'm scanning for; I find it. I wait about 10 minutes and off I go. The busses in rio are nuts in a tokyo drift kind of way.
I have some what of a rough sketch of where the bus is supposed to go and stop. Still, I miss my stop but manage to find my hostel with ease. The hostel is a story in it of itself, one which I've included in the post below.
An hour later I was gone and on the road again.
Here's the thing about the busses in rio, if you don't deliberately waive them down to the point where it almost becomes a fist pump, they will not stop! It took me a few tries but I finally caught one.
Another hour on the bus and I finally reached my hostel. The staff was great. I was given a key to my room but most importantly the door had a knob!
The rest of the day I spent it walking through Ipanemas' board walk, had myself an amazing dinner with an even more amazing dessert! Some kind of coconut pudding cake. Bomb
I met some chill Americans at the hostel, had some local brew. Laughter and insults followed. I was in my bed by 11pm.