Friday, January 20, 2017

2017 on a rainy friday

this morning began with a downpour of what do you call it again? oh yeah, rain. lots of it;
at least for southern california standards, which isnt much really.
and due to this wet element, i knew i wouldnt be able to drive anywhere remotely far from home so i finished watching season one of westworld and wow what a show.
i dragged myself out of bed and grabbed some lunch. it wasnt the healthiest choice and felt like a total heff so i decided to walk it off. the sky was still falling and so i asked myself where?
i didnt have to look further than the shopping center i was currently in to find the answer: costco
for the next 2 hours i weaved through every single isle of that business costco looking at paper plates, industrial size sinks, pallets full of candy/water/jerky/...etc.
i stepped inside the freezer and played it cool, literally. i didnt grab a jacket from the entrance and instantly regretted it. i walked around, took a keen liking at the ox tails pretending i was going to make a big purchase when all i was interested at were the hummus & greek yogurt packs. i began to do the math and thought about how much i spend during the week for food and i was astounded at how much more i can get if only i pre-planned and came to costco at the beginning of the week. thats when it hit me that im getting old. here i am walking around costco thinking of the steps i was getting on my pedometer, the money i could be saving on food, all the meals my non-existent wife & i could be making for the little bastards running around house but then younger early 20-year old inside of me stepped in and snapped me out of that weird loop. he then dragged me to this coffee bean where i ordered myself a medium dark roast accompanied with 2 bailey shooters. needless to say,  i feel good another year, another january and another new beginning. i dont know where 2017 will lead me but i sure hope that its far removed from 2016.