Tuesday, May 19, 2015

0 degrees latitude 0 degrees longitude

at the moment im trying to remember the word for shadow in spanish but i cant quite make it out. it makes me sad that i cant come up with it on my own but im too prideful to look it up on google. 

i've been in quito ecuador a little over a day now. i didn't expect much from quito, it was going to simply serve as kind if a layover city to plan the rest of our time in ecuador. it wasn't until a few days ago that my friend bryson and i decided to come here and it hasn't disappointed me in the very least.

at this point of my life alot of what i seek has to do about the people in specific and not about what the people have to offer. the importance is really not about the city or the amount of unesco sites it has but really more about what its history does to me and how i treat my fellow humans moving forward.

i feel like every city has a secret and the keys are held in the people; in the eyes of its inhabitants, going into their markets, eating their food, laughing at their jokes, feeling their sorrow. 

quito is snuggled by lazy hills and a bashful volcano and in between you get the ecuadorian people, who are somewhat soft to speak yet you get the feeling that you don't want to cross them. i wont say more because anything else would be coming out of ignorance but i'm enjoying my time here and i cant wait to climb a few volcanos, cram into a few crowded busses, and eat some fat cuy. 

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