Wednesday, September 4, 2013

vienna: not a cure for eastern european withdrawals

this will be my second day in vienna, austria and during my short stay i've made a few observations.

pizza and kabobs are taking over the world!
okay, but seriously. 
in vienna alone, pizza and kebobs are at almost every corner. and they're doing some serious work. 
you won't hear me complaining though. bring it. 

i'm not really sure what to say about vienna at this point. the weather hasn't been the best, it's been somewhat of a challenge to converse in english (i know i know we're in austria!)

still! a few days ago, in belgrade! out of all places, i did not have a single problem.
i was always under the impression that western european countries were tri-lingual, right? anyways...
i'm slowly shaking my belgrade blues away. it hasn't been easy 

yesterday we went inside belvedere palace and wow! the place is one massive and magnificent piece of work. 

not just structurally but the whole garden and landscaping aspect of it all.
my mexican side definitely sees the beauty but also cringes at the tough work of the upkeep.

to our luck, a massive spanish tour group was entering the palace, so naturally my friend phillip and i turned on the spanish, and brianne turned on her new-mexican, which pretty much includes the entirety of the taco-bell menu and in we were. 

once done fantasizing about what it'd be like owning a palace such as belvedere, we headed back to the city, but through a different corridor. apparently we found ourselves at the first district and from the euros that we saved at belvedere, libations were ordered.

ok, it's a bit of blur after that...

today, hopefully after a better breakfast than we had yesterday, we'll make our way to another museum or two and hopefully hop on another subway, get lost, and discover something new.

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