Saturday, August 2, 2014

yardhouse love

its been almost a year since i barbacked at the yardhouse. 

it was a short lived 7 month stint. i met some amazing people...really really bad ones as well. a few foot injuries, numerous pints of brew and delicious plates later, i write and retrospect.

with no doubt, i know that the restaurant business is not for me. it is the succubus of jobs. but do i regret working at YH? not one bit

i remember the day i decided to apply.
i'd looked up all the restaurants on colorado blvd. and began my assault on lake and extended it to fair oaks. 
zero experiencia made me a hard sell. by the time i got to los robles, i was feeling pretty shitty. "a man can only take so much rejection" but wow, tough crowd. long story short, i finally arrived at the steps of YH. it was a long shot but i mustered the courage to walk-in and ask if they were hiring. the friendly face replied with a very familiar, "we're always accepting new applicants". but she mentioned that on tue-thurs from 2-5, they conducted open interviews.

well, it happened be tuesday around 1ish so i waited. 3 interviews and no experience later, they asked if i wanted to barback. 

this is my way of thanking YH. they gave me a chance when everyone else showed me the exit. barbackin' aint easy but i'm glad and thankful that i did it at YH. its a tight ship and they accept nothing but the best from their employees.

Grant, William, and Karl: thanks for giving me a shot and not taking it easy on me. 

Wilson and Fabian, couldn't have survived without your help.

originally posted on

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